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Splatter Capital argues that the emphatically messy brand of horror mobilized in gore films is extremely responsive to the internal contradictions that threaten the future sustainability of capitalist accumulation.
Shedding light on the revolutionary potential of cinema and how it reflects, even and especially in its margins, the economic and political fears of its day, Splatter Capital acts as a source of both theoretical and practical knowledge for surviving the horror movie we collectively inhabit.
Mark Steven is a research fellow at the Centre for Modernism Studies in Australia, based at the University of New South Wales, where he also teaches film studies.
“For the fans of these films who’ve always wondered about the ineluctable appeal of visceral, shocking violence on screen, and perhaps why it all feels so strangely familiar.”
“We need more engagements like Splatter Capital, especially if we hope that radical political philosophy should not be locked within the ivory tower.”