A Splutter of Musketry – Britain and America’s Destruction of Iranian Democracy (Part Two)
In the second part of his essay on the role of MI6 and the CIA in the Iranian coup of 1953, No Less Than Mystic
In the second part of his essay on the role of MI6 and the CIA in the Iranian coup of 1953, No Less Than Mystic
The Mark Fisher Memorial Lecture is hosted annually in January by the Department of Visual Cultures at Goldsmiths, University of London. Each time, a speaker will
All of us at Repeater Books would like to welcome our new US/Canada publicist, Jon Maunder. As an introduction to Jon, we’d like to share
How did the CIA and MI6 orchestrate a coup d’etat in Iran in 1953? In this new, two-part essay, No Less Than Mystic author John Medhurst looks
To commemorate the passing of Mark E Smith, below is Mark Fisher’s analysis of The Fall’s Grotesque (After the Gramme), from The Weird and the Eerie (2016).
You can now read an extract from Aaron J Leonard and Conor A Gallagher’s A Threat of the First Magnitude – FBI Counterintelligence and Infiltration from the
In November we will be publishing a collection of Mark’s work – K-punk: The Collected Writings of Mark Fisher, edited by Darren Ambrose and with a
11 July 1968 – 13 January 2017 RIP K-PUNK In November we will be publishing a collection of Mark’s work – K-punk: The Collected Writings
We are marking our third year and the holiday season with, quaintly enough, poetry. Here is a selection from our authors and editors. Thank you for
This is an extract from The Neurotic Turn, a new anthology of writing around neuroses edited by Charles Johns, which is out now. In it, Graham Harman
We will be publishing an anthology of Mark Fisher’s writing, edited by Darren Ambrose and with a foreword by Simon Reynolds, in the second half
Down With Childhood: Pop Music and the Crisis of Innocence is out today! Check out this excellent mix by author Paul Rekret showcasing the multitude
We were delighted to discover this wonderful review of John Medhurst’s No Less Than Mystic in the newsletter of Warren Ellis (graphic novelist, writer, author of
If Confederate statues are coming down across the US, should statues of figures like Lenin come down too, as demanded by a small group of
This is an edited version of a talk given by Carl Neville (author of Resolution Way) at a day of lectures in tribute to Mark Fisher
Unlike many London left friends, who’ve been better than me at going to demonstrations, I’ve never met Jeremy Corbyn. To my shame – and perhaps
Reflections on the last few weeks in UK politics, by John Medhurst, author of the forthcoming No Less Than Mystic: A History of the Russian Revolution for
In a sense, Theresa May has done the left a great service by calling an early election. Had she not done so, and had the war
This is part one of an edited extract from 1996 and the End of History by David Stubbs, published last year by Repeater. Part two
This is part two of ‘Femme Fatales, “Female Psychopaths” and Narrative “Science”‘ by Tristam Vivian Adams, author of The Psychopath Factory. Find part one here.
The origin of the luminous phrase ‘killing moon’ is obscure (at least it is to me). Google throws up no reference other than the 1984
This is part one of two of ‘Femme Fatales, “Female Psychopaths” and Narrative “Science”‘ by Tristam Vivian Adams, author of The Psychopath Factory. Adams discussed the topic
Friday, March 31 7pm NYU Tisch School of the Arts 721 Broadway, Room 674 New York, NY Facebook Event Please join Repeater Books for an
This is an edited extract from Richard Gilman-Opalsky’s Specters of Revolt: On the Intellect of Insurrection and Philosophy From Below (out now). He will be speaking at
The first mistake in analysing the travel ban is thinking its primary aim is to ban travel. It won’t work. It isn’t intended to work.
Mark Fisher (kpunk) 1968-2017 Eulogies by Tariq Goddard, Jeremy Gilbert, Justin Barton (reading), Tristam Adams, Robin Mackay Tariq Goddard We will all remember Mark
In memory of Mark Fisher, an inspiration and a friend. Our thoughts are with his family.
Digital Taylorism: Labour Between Passion & Serendipity Attack of the Big Yawn In his fascinating historical study of the rise of happiness to the highly